In a heartwarming reunion, current and former Spelman College Glee Club members gathered on Saturday for the Annual Christmas Carol Alumnae Brunch, just hours before the institution’s 98th Annual Christmas Concert. This year’s event held special significance as it marked the centennial anniversary of the Glee Club, alongside a celebration of the Class of 2025.
Honoring a Spelman Legend
Highlights of the brunch included honoring Dr. Joyce Johnson, a beloved professor emerita of music and college organist, who has dedicated nearly 70 years to Spelman College. Dr. Johnson was presented with the Centennial Award, recognizing her remarkable contributions and leadership as organist for the annual Spelman-Morehouse Christmas Carol Concerts.
Alumnae expressed their gratitude towards Dr. Johnson and gave her flowers and applause. Dr. Paula Grissom-Broughton, C’97, an assistant professor of music at Spelman, praised Dr. Johnson’s impact: “She has redefined what it means to exist and thrive as a Black woman in academia, particularly in the field of music – a space that has not always made room for voices like hers.”
Amid the celebrations, Talitha Malone, C’2003, received the We Are Christmas Award, an honor inspired by an original song penned by soloist Sarah Stephens Benibo and Glee Club Director Dr. Kevin Johnson. Lauren English-Robinson, an instructor of music at Spelman, was also recognized with the Pearl of Wisdom Award during the evening concert.
Dr. Kevin Johnson delivered a keynote address that reflected on the Glee Club’s enduring legacy over the past century. He honored Dr. Joyce Johnson through touching stories and anecdotes highlighting her dedication to Spelman College. Additionally, he acknowledged the hard work and future endeavors of the Class of 2025, encouraging them as they begin their journey as alumnae.
“When you see the Glee Club, you see Black hope, you see Black strength, you see Black excellence,” Dr. Johnson proclaimed. “That’s the gift we are to this world. We’re hope, we’re future, we’re present.”