Dillard film students feed homeless during holidays

Raw Visions, Gumbomonster and Pryzed Clothing on 1240 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. near Faith Walkers Church, two blocks from the New Orleans Mission.

NEW ORLEANS- A Dillard film student led the charge to feed and provide winter clothing for the homeless near the New Orleans Mission last Friday.

Junior film student at Dillard, Edward Buckles, founder of Raw Visions Collective, a New Orleans based film brand, collaborated with Gumbo Monster and Pryzd clothing to coordinate the event that took place at 1240 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., near Faith Walkers Church, two blocks from the New Orleans Mission.

Last year Buckles filmed  “Living Beyond Your Means,” a documentary about a homeless man. After following the man around for about a week and listening to his story, Buckles was touched and wanted to help the homeless whenever he got the chance.

“I got too caught up in my own life and forgot to give back to those in need like many of us do…its time to step up to the plate and do it,” said Buckles.

Buckles and other Dillard students working with Raw Visions were interns for Spike Lee during the filming of Old Boy, a remake of the 2003 South Korean thriller film set to hit theaters next October.

Raw Visions Collective, founded by Edward Buckles is a New Orleans based brand containing young artists with the purpose to create and speak out through multiple outlets such as film, music, visual art, and community outreach.