ASU responds to controversy after band spells “Trayvon”

BTmUkpACYAAIpVI.jpg-largeAlabama State University is responding to controversy surrounding its band and a recent football game’s half-time show.

During Saturday’s game against Jackson State, ASU’s Mighty Marching Band members lined up in a way on the field that spelled out “Trayvon” while they played the song “Amazing Grace”.

Trayvon, referring to Trayvon Martin, was a teen whose case sparked nationwide outrage after he was shot to death by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Florida last year. Zimmerman was later found not guilty by a jury.

Following the band’s decision, the director of the ASU Marching Band, James Oliver, issued a statement on the controversy. It reads:

“ASU’s Mighty Marching Hornets Band’s halftime show utilized the tragic death of Trayvon Martin as a symbolic recognition that far too many young men die of senseless gun violence.

Ours was a call to conscience of all those who wish to protect our children and to build community.

We spelled out the name  ‘Trayvon’ while the band played ‘Amazing Grace’ as a tribute to all the families who have lost their children.

It had nothing to do with a jury’s verdict, but everything to do with the sanctity of life and the amazing grace that only God can give as we deal with tragedies such as the loss of a child.”  Referenced