No men allowed: ASU’s new president banned from bringing dates home

ee8442fe8cc89101480f6a7067004ac9_s640x456 The newest president of Alabama State University has just signed a contract for a $300,000 annual salary — if in return, she promises not to bring home any men to stay or live with her on campus.

Gwendolyn Boyd is a single woman, and so long as she stays unmarried, her new contract bans her from bringing back boyfriends and dates to her home, The Daily Mail reported. Ms. Boyd, who attended both Alabama State University and Yale, said she doesn’t mind the rule and will start work on Feb. 1, the Birmingham News reported.

The contract specifically states: “For so long as Dr. Boyd is president and a single person, she shall not be allowed to cohabitate in the president’s residence with any person with whom she has a romantic relation.”
But lawyers say the contract stipulation may be stretching legal boundaries.

“I don’t know of any state that has the right to invade someone’s residence even if the state owns that residence,” said Washington, D.C., lawyer Raymond Cotton said, The Daily Mail reported. “To convey that residence and dictate what kind of romantic relationship you can have in that facility — I mean, she’s not in prison.”

A university spokesman said the contract was negotiated by Ms. Boyd and university officials, and was jointly agreed to and signed Read more: