Now Hampton University’s James Russell and collaborators at NASA’s Langley Research Center and GATS, an aerospace company in Newport News, Virginia, havecome up with a formula for determining how efficiently the Earth cools itself on any given day. Think of it as a heat or wind-chill index—but for planets instead of people.
The molecules responsible for cooling the Earth lie hundreds of miles up, in a part of the atmosphere known as the thermosphere. When those molecules collide with one another, or into other particles that inhabit the thermosphere, they convert heat into vibrational energy. Eventually, when they stop vibrating, they release that energy in the form of infrared light that’s hurled off into space.
When the Sun shines especially bright, or when solar winds stir up geomagnetic storms, the molecules and particles in the thermosphere move a little faster and collide a little more frequently and more energetically. As a result, more heat gets converted into light, and the Earth cools more quickly. Russell and his collaborators figured they could predict much of that variability based on just three variables: The intensity of the Sun’s ultraviolet ray emissions; the average magnitude of Earth’s geomagnetic activity; and the strength of Earth’s geomagnetic storms.
The researchers combined those variables into a number they call the Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI). When the TCI was compared with measurements taken by NASA’sThermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics Dynamics satellite, the index proved to be a nearly perfect predictor of Earth’s cooling rates, as measured by the light emitted by molecules of nitric oxide, one of the thermosphere’s main cooling agents.
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