Summer Signals World Travel and Research Projects for Spelman

From Bahia, Brazil, to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the faculty at Spelman College will be spanning the globe sharing their expertise, advancing their research, and shepherding Spelman students through educational and cultural international experiences.

Performances and Lectures in Italy and South Korea

Hyunjung Rachel Chung, assistant professor of music

This summer, I will give solo recitals, master classes, and lectures in Italy — Rome, Assisi, Grumo-Appula and Binetto, and Seoul and Gyeongju in South Korea. The concerts in Italy will include two world premieres: “Toccata” (2010) dedicated to me by Italian composer Dr. Giuseppe Lupis, and “Four Poems” (2011) by Australian composer Marek Pasieczny.  I have collaborated with Turkish composer and professor Özkan Manav at the Mimar Sinan University to perform his award-winning Movement 6 during the Grumo Music Festival.

Having been selected among 260 proposals for the College Music Society Biannual International Conference in Korea, I will give a lecture at the Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, and perform in the CMS Composers Concert in Gyeongju, the ancient capital of the Silla Dynasty.