Feature Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton of Coppin State University

Feature Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton of Coppin State University

“A graduate of Howard University with a Ph.D. in United States History with concentrations in African and Latin American History” Dr. Neverdon-Morton was introduced to us through an interview with 2009 Coppin State University graduate Aleia Brown. Nubian Queen Aleia shared with us the depth of the impact that Dr. Neverdon-Morton has made in her life – from the research assistant position with “Finding History’s Forgotten People” to conducting primary reasearch with the federal government.

“Most of my professors at Coppin contributed something meaningful to my academic career. My advisor, Dr. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton certainly left the greatest impression on me and I continue to glean from her. She really invested a great deal of time in developing me as a historian and she exposed me to so many different things.

Nubian Queens Aleia Brown(l) and Dr. Neverdon-Morton(r)(Image Courtesy of Ms. Brown)

I was fortunate to serve as her Research Assistant for Finding History’s Forgotten People, which opened so many doors for me. Working on this federally funded project allowed me to conduct primary research in Colorado and present at a Bureau of Land Management Quarter Meeting in Washington, D.C. and at the 2007 ASALH Conference in North Carolina. These opportunities are only the beginning of what Dr. Neverdon-Morton exposed me to. She is a very caring and thoughtful person. Even now, I don’t hesitate to ask her for advice or simply catch up with her.

The Honors College Faculty and the rest of the History Department really embraced and encouraged me. Their support was an essential ingredient to my success at Coppin.” – Aleia Brown (@MonaesPlace)

Dr. Neverdon-Morton for all of the minds you have educated with your books and lives that you have uplifted with your passion and wisdom – we say thank you!

Read the Entire Interview with Ms. Brown at: myHBCUinterveiw