Meet Howard University Stylish Buzz: Veronica Hannsberry

HBCUs are some of the most stylish campuses in the world. Howard University, specifically, is a campus where some students will “pop out” just because. Overall, the goal for many students is to simply showcase their personality through what they wear on a daily basis.

Check out this week’s Stylish Buzz:

Veronica Hannsberry is a junior, Marketing Major from Chicago. Her spunky and colorful style make her one of the most unique and stylish students on Howard’s campus.

“My style is currently on a journey.”

Veronica Hannsberry 

One of the largest shifts in Veronica’s style came with her conversion to the Islamic faith. Her style prior to this conversion was still fun and eclectic with just a little more skin. Now, she seeks to align her personal style with the modesty that comes with her religion. Here’s her take on her style exploration:

“As can be seen in my style photos I am not completely in the realm of modesty. However each day I take a step in that direction. It is important to me to make a statement with every look I put on because personal style is one of the only ways one can express their self without words.”

Veronica describes her personal style as, “girly, Afrocentric street wear.” Her one and only style icon is Rihanna because of her edge and diverse style. Check out some of Veronica’s dope looks below!

Vee’s Looks! 

Make sure you follow Veronica to stay updated on all of her latest looks!