Texas Southern University Reduces Staff Positions as Part of Budget Reductions

As other state agencies and universities initiated immediate staffing reductions in response to the state mandated budget reductions, Texas Southern University took many measures to avoid impacting people as long as possible. The state appropriation cuts resulted in a Total General Revenue reduction for Texas Southern of approximately $10 million for Fiscal Year 2012. Approximately half of that reduction is being realized through reducing operating and utility costs and limited tuition and fee increases. However, it still proved necessary to eliminate a number of positions to reach a balanced budget for the coming year.

A total of 56 staff members were notified on Friday, July 29, that their positions have been eliminated for FY 2012. In addition, 36 vacant positions were eliminated and 14 adjunct faculty positions will not be filled. This reduction amounts to approximately 4.5 percent of the total employees at the University.

“The Legislature worked very hard to protect state universities as much as possible from the very serious cuts originally projected,” President John M. Rudley stated. “We are appreciative of their efforts and support. However, the University still faces a serious reduction and has had to take a number of steps, including a Reduction in Force, to meet the budget limits for the coming year.”

“The eliminated positions come from across the campus in both administrative and academic units,” said Brian Dickens, Executive Director of Human Resources. “A thorough staffing analysis was conducted with assistance from an outside consultant prior to finalizing the list of eliminated positions to ensure the long term sustainability of all University operations and that students would be affected as little as possible.”

“This was not an easy decision and we are mindful of the personal impact this has on our employees, both those leaving and those who remain at the University. Even though it is happening at every state and local agency and across the private sector, we regret the difficulties this causes for all affected,” President Rudley stated.

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