DSU Explores Possible International University Partnership

Dr. Williams and other DSU administrators welcomed Vijaya Kumaran Nair, a Malaysian native and founding vice president of the new venture; a Michelle Zhoug Yi, a Chinese native and founding member of the management team of the new venture; and Zhang Fu Qiang, vice president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Beichen, Tianjin, China, where the International University would be based.
The delegation discussed with DSU officials the proposed International University and explored the possibility of a DSU branch campus at the International University, partnering with educators in China, India and Malaysia as members of the proposed global university system.
No decision has been made concerning DSU’s possible involvement in the educational venture, but both sides agreed to continue exploring the possibility.
Joining Dr. Williams and the visiting delegation for the discussion from DSU was Dr. Claibourne Smith, chairman of the University Board of Trustees; Provost Alton Thompson; Amir Mohammadi, executive vice president of finance and University treasurer; Kemal Atkins, vice president of Student Affairs, Dr. Fengshan Liu, associate vice president of International Affairs; Dr. Dyremple Marsh, dean of the College of Agriculture and Related Sciences; Dr. John Austin, interim dean of the College of Education, Health & Public Policy; Dr. Shelton Rhodes, dean of the College of Business; and Tom Preston, University general counsel.
Referenced article at Delaware State