Explore Microsoft 70-480 Exam in 6 Steps!

Explore Microsoft 70-480 Exam in 6 Steps!

There has been a rapid increase in the use of the Internet over the past few years.That is why companies have started to focus more and more on developing the user-friendly, cutting edge websites. HTML and CSS are the two most favorite languages of the web developers who use them to come up with better, more interesting content. The HTML’s latest iteration is HTML5 and after having gained the approval of the experts of the web development world, it is now being used increasingly in developing new websites. These days, programming is being done in HTML5 and CSS3 and the skills related to these two languages are being tested in the Microsoft 70-480 exam. In this article, we will try to give you some useful tips that can prove to be very helpful in passing the Microsoft 70-480 Exam Dumpscertification test.

Learn the exam structure

The 70-480 examis divided into four fixed portions mentioned below and it will be extremely useful for any test taker to learn this structure.

  • Manipulate and implement document structures and objects (24%)
  • Using CSS3 in applications (25%)
  • Implement program flow (25%)
  • Access and secure data (26%)

The percentages written in the brackets next to each topic show the portion of the exam dedicated to it. When you are studying, or even making your study schedule, make sure that you allocate the right amount of time to each section. Having this basic breakdown of the exam topics in your mind will help you focus on each and every part of the test and ensure that you do not miss anything out.

Know the exam topics

There are certain topics from which the exam questions are designed. The candidates should practice well and learn these topics when preparing for the test. They include:

  • Animations, transitions and transforms
  • Ajax and XMLHttpRequest
  • CSS Regions, Flex box, Basic CSS Layout, Grid
  • jQuery
  • HTML 5 web APIs

These are the major topic areas that are tested in the exam. Once you are aware of them, study in such a manner that you polish your weaker areas. However, do not lose your competence in areas in which you are good at.

Watch videos

The Microsoft 70-480 exam is usually considered to be a difficult test.Therefore, it requires a lot of studying. We have mentioned some of the major topic areas above, so you know most of what you need to study. However, in today’s busy life, we realize that you may not always have access to your books. You may be out or stuck in a train, or a waiting room andetc. You can utilize all this spare time by watching useful tutorial videos available on the Internet related to the 70-480 exam. You can learn and revise your topics anywhere. However, be sure that the videos you watch are made by genuine experts on the topic so that you get useful information on the subject and don’t get confused with any incorrect knowledge.

Use the optional tutorial

Most of the exam questions are of a multiple-choice type, but it also has some other formats. The test has a time limit, which is not very long. Hence, it is better that you familiarize yourself with the features of the exam beforehand so that you do not end up wasting precious time while taking the test. There is an optional tutorial given before the start of Microsoft 70-480 and we recommend that you make use of this tutorial by learning how to deal with the test’s features.

Practice, practice, practice

It is essential to learn the topics before the exam, but in order to pass and score well, you also need to practice the test beforehand. There are many online websites that help you get familiar with Microsoft 70-480. A lot of these websites even have monthly subscriptions that allow you to take a number of practice tests per month. It is essential that you know how to attempt the exam and if you do it in timed conditions, you will be even better prepared for the test as you will know how to work within time constraints.

Know what to do

It is natural to panic when you see a question that looks a little unfamiliar. It is extremely normal to get a bit frazzled in the exam, but you have to calm your nerves and attempt and answer those questions that you know. If you do not know an answer, do not waste time on it, move on, do the questions that you are sure of and then come back to those difficultones in the end when you have the time. One of the good things about the 70-480 exam is that there is no negative marking in it, so if you don’t know an answer and guess it, marks will not be deducted for the wrong try. 

If you guess it is right, you may end up gaining a mark. This does not mean that we are encouraging you not to prepare and just guess answers, we just want to ensure you that if, despite your preparation, there is a question that you think you don’t know, don’t leave it, as you may end up getting a correct answer by guessing as well.


In this article, we have tried to give you some useful tips regarding how you can pass the Microsoft 70-480 exam and end up scoring well in it. We recommend that any study material you use is reliable and approved by Microsoft, so you do not end up wasting time and learn incorrect information. Besides, learn the actual details about the test on the Microsoft website. With the correct study materials, hard work and our useful tips, the Microsoft 70-480 exam do not seem that difficult!