DSU Welcomes Music Chair and Director of Choral Activities

Delaware State University’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences has announced two new important appointments within its Department of Music.
Dr. Horace B. Lamar, Jr., has been appointed as the new Chair of the Department of Music. In that post, Dr. Lamar will oversee all academic aspects of the department and provide leadership for faculty development, fundraising, as well as student recruitment and retention.
Prior to his arrival at DSU, Dr. Lamar served at Alabama State University from 1991-2006, where he taught woodwinds and for nine of those years served as the dean of the University’s School of Music (1996-2005). Under his dean leadership, the ASU School of Music earned accreditation through the National Association of Schools of Music. After retiring from ASU, he did consulting work, workshops and recitals over the last five years.
Dr. Lamar earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education (magna cum laude) from Mississippi Valley State University, a Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of Minnesota and a Doctor of Music Education from the University of Southern Mississippi.