Morehouse School of Medicine Highlights 4 Unique Stand-Out Students

Morehouse School of Medicine’s challenging yet rewarding Online Education and Expanded programs are designed for working professionals seeking to improve their career outcomes. The core mission of the online education program is to increase the well-being of individuals and communities, diversify the health professional and scientific workforce and address primary health care through programs in education, research, and service. There are some talented students in the program, but 4 star students have stood out in particular at MSM. Read their bios below to learn more about them! 

Joseph Teamer received his B.S in biology at Virginia State University and M.S in Biotechnology at MSM. His goal is to become a cosmetic dermatologist and research and develop laser-based treatments and skin care products specifically for people of color suffering from chronic skin ailments. 

Joseph says this of the M.S in Biotechnology program: “The M.S Biotechnology-online program has strengthened my knowledge of the biotech industry, helped fine-tune my career and life goals, and allowed me to connect and establish a bond with other like-minded people. While I am currently figuring out my most immediate next step, the sense of purpose and direction I have gotten from this program, the faculty, and my peers is invaluable!”

From left: Joseph Teamer, Keisha Bentley, Samuel Scott, Alexandra Dumas (Credit: Morehouse School of Medicine)

Keisha Bentley received her B.S in Biology from Erskine College, M.Ed. in Administration and Supervision from Anderson University and M.S in Biotechnology at MSM. Keisha is interested in cancer research and bioentrepreneurship. She aspires her knowledge through the MSBT with her experience in education and eventually work on the collegiate level.

Keshia has great things to say about the program professors: “In addition, Dr. Lillard and Dr. Howard are incredible leaders. Their knowledge and experience are vast. Although they have high positions, they always avail themselves to the students they serve. They have implemented check-ins at the start and completion of each term to see how we are progressing. My cohort has formed a bond that I believe will extend beyond our days as MSM students. Ms. Johnson works to ensure we have a little down time by scheduling our Kick Back calls.”

Samuel Scott earned his B.S. in Microbiology and a B.S. in Plant Biology from North Carolina State University. He earned his M.S in Biotechnology at MSM and was previously a Research Fellow at Cornell University. Samuel is a microbiologist working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the past 4 years. His research interests include, plant genetics, immunotherapy/ nanotechnology, and drug discovery, cancer biology. Samuel’s  goal is to one day earn my doctoral degree and work in a drug discovery setting.

Samuel speaks highly of the Biotechnology program at MSM: “The biotechnology program gives me everything I need in one year to prepare me for a more advanced career role as well as enrich what I already know. This program would prove helpful for someone who wants to go on and get a PhD. I like that the program is within the medical school. Although I’m a graduate student, I feel like I’m getting a “medical education” in the course work.”

Alexandra Dumas graduated from Spelman College and earned her M.S in Biotechnology at MSM. During her undergraduate years, she served as a Fulton Dekalb Hospital Authority Intern and learned that a key component to an effective health care system are people who can effectively work with technological systems to reduce error. Alexandra aspires to be a physician researcher, with hopes of specializing in pediatric cardiology.

Alexandra says the Biotechnology M.S program was positive for her: “The classroom sizes are intimate, and the instructors strive to ensure that the classwork is rigorous so that we are prepared to create solutions. Through problem-based learning, the cohort works together to learn more about the business of biotechnology and its potential in our respective fields.”

Learn more about the engaging master’s program options  at Morehouse School of Medicine by clicking  here.