New Undergraduate Trustee: Marcus Carey

Q. How do you plan to stop tuition from continuously increasing every year?

A. “It surely won’t happen next year and you can quote me on that. We’re going to make sure that administration and board members alike—recognize that although we as students pay much less than our competitors–or similar universities—that doesn’t mean that you can just raise our rates until we get to there point, that’s not what that means. Next year that won’t happen, this will not be an annual sort of gathering at Howard where we raise tuition. I think that’s the way we’ll curb it—is by making sure that out administrators know that we are low cost for a reason and we are going to stay below our competitors–as long as we possibly can.” – Marcus Carey (Campaign Slogan: Do Something)

Click here to hear Marcus’ full interview. See what he had to say before his big win. – Audio 

On Thursday night, many students gathered inside the Blackburn Ballroom anxioysly awaiting the results of the Howard University 2012 elections. With the help of music, their wait was made easier.

DJ Stunna

The election party ended with a tie between the two top slates. The Believe campaign [ Brittney Foxhall   & Madiagne Sarr] versus Brandon Dean & James Alexander, for President and Vice president of Howard University [respectively]. A runoff will be held on Tuesday March 6, 2012. Students will once again have the change to vote on Bison Web for the candidates they think deserves to win.

Runoff scheduled to take place on Tuesday March 6, 2012.

Candidates for the Howard University Student Association (HUSA), Brittney Foxhall and Madiagne Starr are hoping students are still 'Believing'.

Meet the Candidates from the ‘Believe Campaign’

Brittney Foxhall, Candidate for HUSA President

Madiagne Sarr, Candidate for HUSA Vice-President


Candidates for the Howard University Student Association (HUSA), Brandon Dean and James Alexander are wanting students to start 'Anew'.

Meet the Candidates wanting to start ‘Anew’

Brandon Dean, Candidate for HUSA President

James Alexander, Candidate for HUSA Vice-President

Stay tuned to HBCU Buzz to see who the 2012 HUSA President and Vice President will be. An exclusive interview with the winners will be released once the results are announced on Tuesday.


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