The growth of blogging has transitioned beyond the basics of text, there are now VBlogging, MicroBlogging, Podcasting and a host of other resources and tools to share diverse and dynamic content. The importance of writing can never be denied because in the areas of education and business writing is crucial to the sharing and disseminating of information. Writing shows the foundation of intelligence and that intellectualism still matters when engaging in discussions, no matter face to face or the integration of digital technologies that allow the distribution of information.

As an instructor teaching Educational Technology, STEAM and Social Media at an HBCU, I have always felt that blogging is a platform to grow intelligence and mentor writing in my students.

The challenge is to get my students to see beyond their sites and expand their digital vision to see the benefits of creating and mastering their digital footprints that lead to exposure, networking opportunities and collaboration that can also lead to employment and the start of careers. Content can make an HBCU student’s ability for employment greater, businesses are looking for new talent that has a passion for challenges and diversity in tech skills. HBCU men and women that can integrate technology with the human element of thought, innovation and creativity have valuable skills. HBCU students need to attend conferences, workshops and seminars to build knowledge. blackcollege-students-blogging-TECH-HBCU

Blogging, Microblogging, Podcasting Vblogging can aid in the Marketing and Branding of college and university students especially those that attend HBCU’s. Students need to attend conferences like: Blogging While Brown (the premiere blogging conference for bloggers of color and culture), Florida Blogging and Technology Conference (FLBlogCon educates and empowers bloggers by teaching best practices for blogging), and others that are growing. Education majors need to attend #EdCamps to learn from professional educator’s best practices, policies and procedures of the classroom. read more