With so much talent in the world of music, we often forget that many successful artists come straight outta campuses at HBCUs. You, the readers of HBCU Buzz, informed us of who you believe are the most legit musical artists from your HBCU. We did the research based on your responses, and put together a list of the hottest HBCU artists out right now. In no particular order, here are the 11 HBCU artists you should listen to below.

380 Reef: Elizabeth City State University

Hometown: Bronx, New York

80 Reef says he stumbled upon rapping surprisingly. 3 projects in now, 80 is taking the accident and running with it. His latest project “Fever” is everything you’d expect when you mix a New York flow with some thought provoking content, and some unusual dope beats. A rapper and upcoming film director, he even works to assist in putting together his own visuals. 80’s projects are heavily influence by his South Bronx upbringing; a place he deems the mecca of Hip Hop.

Check him out: https://soundcloud.com/80reef/tracks