5 Reasons Why HBCU Students Should Definitely Be Watching ‘Dear White People’

Have you ever wanted to express your feelings to a white person, who seems to misunderstand the idea of race in America? Well, Dear White People is your chance to see your thoughts unfold.

Originally released as a film in 2014, the new Netflix series Dear White People created by Justin Simien, chronicles the black experience at an Ivy League institution, while also focusing on the aftermath of a racially motivated Halloween party.

Throughout the series, Samantha White (Logan Browning) leads the school’s revolution against racial discrimination.

The series also uncovers the whispers of racially insensitive experiences, often discussed amongst African Americans. Even though Dear White People takes place on the campus of a predominately white institution, here are five reasons why HBCU students should watch the series:

3. The White Friend that Doesn’t Understand

If you’ve ever been the minority in a majority environment, you’ve most likely experienced inappropriate gestures, actions and/or comments from your white counterpart. The black characters of Dear White People experience various forms of racism; from a white student petting Lionel Higgens (DeRon Horton) afro, to Troy being offensively addressed as “Trobama”, to the highly offensive “blackface” Halloween party. Dear White People doesn’t fail to show some of the most relatable displays of white ignorance.