Morehouse College student Carl Haywood is being celebrated after being accepted into a media program that only 50 people in the country got into! Get the full story from P. Umille at Patch below.

Carl Haywood, of Anaheim, CA, has been selected for the Television Academy Foundation’s prestigious 2021 Summer Fellows Program. Haywood is one of just 50 students chosen from across the country by Television Academy members for the program.

Haywood, a 2021 graduate of Morehouse College, majored in Film and will be a Television Production Fellow this summer through the Television Academy Foundation’s program. He attended Polytechnic High School. 

“Being selected to be a part of such a prestigious group of people is mind-blowing,” said Haywood. “Knowing that the Television Academy took their time and had thousands to choose from, made me extremely proud to be selected. I am a first-generation college student. Getting selected for this fellowship is the reassurance and affirmation that I’m doing the right thing.”

“I remember, when I was child, sitting in front of the of the television watching shows like Family Matters and Full House, and thinking about how happy they made me. If I could give some of that feeling to another generation it would give me so much pleasure,” said Haywood. 

Typically, the Television Academy Foundation’s annual Internship Program provides 50 internships, at top Hollywood studios and production companies, to college students nationwide every summer. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Television Academy Foundation has had to re-imagine its internship program this year offering the 50 students selected from across the country the chance to either intern remotely or enroll as a Summer Fellow.

The Summer Fellows Program includes virtual one-on-one visits with professionals in a student’s field of study, online panels with leaders in the television industry, and customized seminars covering personal brand building and navigating the job market ahead. Fellows also become life-long members of the Foundation’s alumni family giving them access to events and networking opportunities as they build their careers in the industry.