HU Grad KHEEEZUS Drops “Summer SOULstice” Mix

One of our favorite DJs, Khalia Russell aka KHEEEZUS, is back with the soundtrack of the summer. In case you forgot, Khalia is an up and coming DJ and recent Howard grad who we featured a few months back on the site. She describes her new Summer SOULstice mix as, “An ambient mix of summer vybz blended with a healthy dosage of trap.”

Summer SOULstice is 40+ minutes of some of your favorite tracks. Artists range from Calvin Harris to DJ Khaled to Daniel Caesar with so much more in between. You’ll definitely catch yourself vibing out in the car, on the beach or even just in your room to this project.

Listen to her new mix below and be sure to follow KHEEEZUS on SoundCloud for more music updates!

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