7 Reasons Malia Obama Should Consider an HBCU


The fall can be a stress­ful time for high school seni­ors, even for Pres­id­ent Obama’s eld­est daugh­ter, Malia. Aside from who she chooses for the Sid­well Friends home­com­ing dance, the 17-year-old will have to de­cide where to at­tend col­lege.
While many are fix­ated on wheth­er she’ll go Ivy, lib­er­al arts, or pub­lic, Next Amer­ica of­fers some thoughts on why she should ap­ply to a His­tor­ic­ally Black Col­lege or Uni­versity.
Here are 7 reas­ons why Malia Obama should choose an HB­CU:

1) Cultural Diversity

Malia will be sur­roun­ded by people from across the coun­try and around the world, which will be a smooth trans­ition from her years tag­ging along with POTUS to far-off places. HB­CUs are home to stu­dents of all eth­ni­cit­ies, races and back­grounds, which will give her a glob­al view, much like her fath­er.

2) Inclusive Curriculum

HB­CU alumni of­ten say that their pro­fess­ors tried to be more in­clus­ive of mul­tiple per­spect­ives, his­tor­ies and peoples.  HB­CUs are unique be­cause the cur­riculum re­sembles that of any in­sti­tu­tion but also is sup­ple­men­ted by the rich­ness of Afric­an-Amer­ic­an cul­ture.

Read Full via National Journal 


  1. Without question both of the Obama girls should go to HBCUs. I got to think Howard would be on the list along with Spelman, Hampton, Xavier, and Dillard

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