Back-to-school season is officially here, and college freshmen are about to embark on what has long been called the “best four years of your life.” As exciting as college is, navigating the waters of a new environment can be scary and lonely but don’t worry, HBCU Buzz has got you! Here are five tips to survive your freshman year at college.

4. Get Involved! Find Clubs and Orgs on Campus

Find ways to serve your campus and make your mark early on by looking into organizations and clubs freshmen can join. You may also consider impacting your class by becoming a student leader with a position in SGA. Whatever you choose, make sure you make an informed decision and commit to it.


  1. […] The summer before starting college can seem fun at first, hanging out with all your high school friends before you all go your separate ways, and getting ready to embark on a new journey at your new school. But after a while, it feels like you’re just counting the days until you can get out of your mother’s house and your small town and finally be on your own. We know the feeling and so does every other college student right about now. The good news is that move-in day is in full effect on college campuses across the nation right now. Also check out the Five Ways To Survive Your Freshman Year. […]

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