Howard University professor and cell biologist, Winston Anderson, Ph.D, is among the recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
The award itself seeks to recognize leaders that implement mentorship as an essential element of their academic craft. The White House presents this award to leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who often go underrepresented in their field, and who provide exceptional guidance to their students.
Anderson credits much of his success to the role that mentorship played in his own collegiate career. Throughout his undergraduate and graduate studies at Howard University (B.S. ’62; M.S. ’63), Anderson found comfort and encouragement from his educators and recognized the positive impact that mentorship from fellow African-Americans can have on one’s scholarship, and in turn, reciprocated this positivity to his students and fellow colleagues.
Chinweike Okegbe, a student who Anderson has mentored since 2006, regards Anderson as a faculty member who prepares his students for the trials their careers may bring them. Okegbe is a 2011 Gilliam Fellowship scholar currently pursuing his Ph.D from the Biological Sciences Department at Columbia University.
Anderson, who boasts an extensive resume in academia spanning over four decades, has focused the majority of his career on the instruction and education of African-Americans and other underrepresented groups in K-12 and collegiate studies. He has previously received other honors for his academic strides. In 2007, Anderson was recognized by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), listed as one of their twenty best scientists in academia. HHMI, a nonprofit medical research organization, ranks as one of the nation’s largest philanthropies, is renowned throughout the nation for their undertaking in advancing biomedical research and science education in the United States.
Dr. Sidney A. Ribeau, President of Howard University, has committed the university to continue its strides as a leading research institution and recently acknowledged the academic excellence of Anderson and his prestigious award, recognizing Anderson’s positive contributions to the university and its students.
Recipients, which include organizations as well as individuals, were announced by President Barack Obama after they were nominated either by their administrators, colleagues, and/or students at their academic institutions. Honorees are invited to accept their award at the White House at a ceremony to be held at a later date. They will receive awards of $25,000 from the National Science Foundation in order to expand their mentoring efforts.