“In our fast-changing world driven by digital technology, it is important that every child becomes a creative actor of localized digital solutions, not its passive consumer”.
@ashuna112 #ACW2019 #AfricaCodeWeek

The increase of African students with tech skills
that are more advanced than HBCU instructors
will be a serious issue in a few years. African
students are participating in WordCamp and
KidsCamp conferences increasingly. HBCU institutions need to be prepared for students that already have coding, programming,
web development and digital business skills.

There is a rapid expansion of WordCamp
conferences in Africa, this magnificent
continent of resources both human and 
environmental. WordCamp conferences are seen growing, thriving and educating people with a passion not just for technology, but opening doors for business ventures, entrepreneurial opportunities, unheard of digital collaboration. The opportunities
to enable and empowering African entrepreneurs to share their Brands and find
new Niches and partnerships.

As Blogger, Micro-bloggers, content creator and
digital influencer for over 15 years, digital
impressions expand based on engagements.
That engagement builds with the increase of
involvement, engagement, collaboration and
sharing content. 

WordCamp allows rapid and sustainable growth
based on thought leadership digitally and
correspondingly with continued engagement at
MeetUps. Content creation is only limited by the creative minds that apply what is learned at WordCamp conferences and the growing
number of KidsCamp and YouthCamp conferences.

WordCamp is a casual and at the same time
professional conference where information is shared related to WordPress. WP is a free and open source personal publishing application that powers over 40% of the web. The immersion of Africa will rapidly
increase these numbers and allow for those African digital innovators to share their talents, gifts and knowledge. 

Africa is expanding the influence of knowledge and applied knowledge to grow new generations of thought leaders, digital dreamers, critical thinkers and
collaborations that will take place not just locally, but expand nationally and across the continent. 

Accompanying the traditional WC are KidsCamp
and YouthCamp components that encourage kids from 7yrs to 14yrs and YouthCamp from 15yrs to 17yrs. There are increased numbers of youth, teens and young Africans that are starting businesses and becoming digital innovators, influencers and digital business owners.  

WC conferences build relevant discussions and
information is applicable immediately during and after the conference. Networking is formidable because real people with real careers, professions, businesses, and real dreams are present to share and help others. Mentors in multiple areas can be found and the growing number of Internships helps to provide youth and teens with real world opportunities to apply and learn skills to build on.  

Meetups allow discussions to be continued and the building of PLN’s or Professional Learning Networks that help assist in connections, collaborations and building networks. 

The formats from lectures/presentations, speed talks, or lightning presentations, panels and interviews. Presentations are diverse sessions that incorporate slides and videos that can be accessed from the presenters web site or through  WordCamp channel on http://WordPress.tv after the conference. The
professional development opportunities continue and can be used at the convenience from home or through mobile devices.

The building of digital infrastructures that allow for strong and consistent connections is growing quickly because of the demands for access. Access to tech is not a privilege, it has become a right, as education is a human right, digital access to educational, business
and humanitarian information is a right of all Africans not matter their educational, economic, cultural or color. New laws are in place to make sure access if available and equitable. 

As a WordCamp blogger, advocate, speaker, organizer, volunteer and a the value for the cost of a two day and the growing three day conference pays for itself. Africans are seeing that their Brand grows rapidly and their engagements increase proportionally to
following others on Social Media platforms like
Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

To keep up to date access WordCamp Central and WordPress TV for relevant and real information. 

WordCamp Central 

WordPress TV

Follow William Jackson and Aida Correa
on the hashtag #thatwordcamplife or #thatwordpresslife