May Is Mental Health Awareness Month!

College is a transformative time in a person’s life—a time of new experiences, people, and a new environment. With so many changes happening all at once it may be hard to cope and may cause feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression. If you’re feeling like this, you’re not alone. This Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re highlighting ways to cope with these feelings. Here are 5 Mental Health Tips for College Students!

2Find Your Tribe: Join Clubs or Find People with Similar Interests

Loneliness is a common feeling among many college students. The good thing is there’s a whole campus out there just waiting to meet and connect with you. One of the best ways to meet people with similar interests is by joining a club or organization on campus. Getting involved on campus by joining a group can help you forge friendships as you work toward a common goal and creates a sense of belonging. Also, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and talk to people in your classes, dorm halls, or at campus events.