Paying for college does not have to be difficult if you are prepared. Being proactive in obtaining funds can be as easy, breezy as a Cover Girl commercial.
Take into consideration these tips on getting through financial aid and getting school paid for.
Fully review your award letter
Is there anything missing that should be there? Scholarships, grants, loans, etc.? If so, contact the Financial Aid Department.
Contact Financial Aid
Financial aid customer service has a bad rep in the HBCU community but if you try hard enough (and have enough patience) you will eventually get through. You are one of thousands of students seeking assistance. Take matters in your own hands. Call in, put use to email and take advantage of walk in visits.
(Additional tip: do not argue with staff members. You will need them in the future. I promise.)
Apply! Apply! Apply!
Applying for scholarships is key. There truly is a lot of money in the world, and people are ready to give it to students like you. There are scholarships for virtually everything.
A few sites where you can apply for scholarships are UNCF, Fast Web, Cappex, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Tom Joyner Foundation, My Education is my Hustle and H.O.P.E.
Don’t feel embarrassed
Ask local companies, churches, businesses and community leaders for a “love token” or donation. Plenty of people are willing to help you because they truly want to see you succeed. Write a letter describing who you are, what you want to be, and how they can help you out to get where you want to be through an education.
Keep Faith
If you want something in life, you have to Go For It! If it is money that you need, make it happen. Money should never be the excuse for you not attending college.
You can do it!
Nicole Tinson is a HBCU Buzz Staff Writter. Follow her on Twitter @Nikki_T