The rest, as they say, is history.

Moore, 35, left his position as Rep. Maxine Waters’s chief of staff last year to work full-time with Q.U.E.E.N. singer Monae.
“If not for the game changer that is Janelle Monae, I would have stayed in Washington,” Moore said.
Currently Moore, along with managing Monae, heads up the five-person label signed to the Atlanta-based custom record Wondaland including, Jidenna, Roman GianArthur, Deep Cotton, and St. Beauty. Billboard’s Jem Aswad writes that the artists “hew a bass-heavy fusion of R&B and hip-hop.”
“It’s not just one type of artist, but there’s a connective tissue,” said Moore. “It’s about the collective rather than individuals — Janelle is the proprietor, but they’re partners with her.”
Head over to Billboard to read more.
Tommy G. Meade Jr. is the Editor-in-Chief at HBCU Buzz. Follow him on Twitter.
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