The 9th President of Claflin University Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack shares a letter about the upcoming semester:
Dear Students,
We have concluded our Spring 2020 semester and I want to thank you for persevering through this challenging transition. We remain an institution still devoted and committed to providing a high-quality education. While we are still challenged by COVID-19, I am writing to calm your fears regarding the reopening of the University for the 2020 Fall Semester.

I have appointed a Reopening Task Force consisting of students, faculty and staff who have been (virtually) meeting regularly to focus on our path forward. This task force will present various recommendations of possible scenarios for reopening the University and as an administration we will work towards the best solution for Claflin University.
I am highly optimistic and hopeful that Claflin will resume face-to-face instruction at some point in the fall. Our goal is the safety of our campus community and we are exploring all facets of operation. In the meantime, please continue to exercise safety precautions as recommended by federal, state and local officials.
I am thankful to our dynamic faculty, staff and students for flexibility and support as we deliberate our next steps to safely reopening our beautiful campus on hilltop high. More detailed campus reopening will be shared in June (or the coming weeks).
We pray that each of you and your family remain healthy and safe. Have a blessed summer break.
Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack
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