Centuries of pinned-up anger has been unlocked after the world watch the 8min 46sec murder of George Floyd. He was not resisting. He was not aggressive. The 46-year-old man was pleading for his life, screaming for his mother and sharing how he could not breathe.
None of this stopped Derek Chauvin and 3 of his fellow officers, from murdering George. People across the world —Black people especially— are tired of the racist nonsense. Riots, looting, and protests are the daily reality in the days following this senseless situation. Chauvin is the only officer that has been arrested the world is outraged and it demands justice. Now!

If you find yourself or those you love arrested or apprehended, here is a list of resources of safe havens, bail funds, lawyers working free-of-charge and other helpful resources:
Atlanta – https://actionnetwork.org/groups/atlanta-solidarity-fund ; http://atlsolidarity.org/
Austin – https://reparation.atlas.thrinacia.com/campaign/24/400-1-bail-fund
Baltimore https://www.baltimoreactionlegal.org/community-bail-fund
Bay Area (San Fran, Oakland, San Jose, Vallejo, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz) https://rally.org/ARCbailfund
Brooklyn – https://brooklynbailfund.org/donation-form
Boston – https://www.massbailfund.org/
Buffalo NY https://fundrazr.com/11fcAd
Charleston South Carolina https://www.gofundme.com/f/charleston-sc-protestor-bail-fund
Charlotte – Cash App: $WereStillHere Venmo: ResistanceisBeautiful Call: (980) 224-2097 bail support
PAYPAL = NCFreedomfund@gmail.com CashApp = NcFreedomfund
Chattanooga http://www.calebcha.org/donate.html
Chicago – https://chicagobond.org/donate/
Cincinnati Ohio https://www.givelify.com/givenow/1.0/NTU5MjE=/selection
Cleveland – BLM Cleveland https://www.paypal.me/blmcle
Colorado – https://fundly.com/coloradofreedom
Columbia South Carolina Cash app/Venmo sodacitybail | 803-602-4589
Columbus – https://www.paypal.me/columbusfreedomfund
Connecticut http://www.ctbailfund.org/donate
Dallas- https://faithintx.org/bailfund/ ; https://svpdallas.z2systems.com/np/clients/svpdallas/donation.jsp
Denver – https://fundly.com/coloradofreedom
Detroit – https://www.detroitjustice.org/the-bail-project
Fargo & Morehead North Dakota https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8oLGbaaeqf
Florida: https://www.floridajc.org/bail
Grand Rapids / Western Michigan https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kentcountyibond
Harrisburg, PA https://dauphincountybailfund.org/donate
Houston – https://www.paypal.me/blmhou
Indianapolis – https://bailproject.org/
Kansas City – https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/it-aint-over-legal-fund
Las Vegas – https://secure.actblue.com/donate/vegasfreedomfund
Los Angeles (inc. Oxnard, San Clemente, Santa Ana, Long Beach): https://www.gofundme.com/f/peoples-city-council-ticket-fund ← bail, supplies, transport overall fund
Louisville – https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/louisville-community-bail-fund/
Madison, WI https://freethe350bailfund.wordpress.com/ Venmo: @Liam-Manjon | Cashapp: $FreeThe350BailFund | Paypal: FreeThe350BailFund@gmail.com
Mass – https://www.massbailfund.org/
Memphis – https://justcity.org/what-we-do/mcbfund/
Miami – https://www.paypal.me/freethemall
Michigan https://michigansolidaritybailfund.com
Milwaukee – https://fundrazr.com/mkefreedomfund
Minneapolis https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/ ← asking for help in other areas. Click thru for links/direction
Minnesota – https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/
Nashville – call 615-455-1875
Nebraska – https://www.paypal.me/neleftcoalition
New Orleans – https://donorbox.org/safety-freedom-fund
New York- https://www.libertyfund.nyc/
https://emergencyreleasefund.com/ ← focused on trans humans
North Carolina PAYPAL = NCFreedomfund@gmail.com CashApp = NcFreedomfund
Oakland https://rally.org/ARCbailfund
Ohio – Canton/Akron https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8pz5hovrmY
Orlando Florida https://communitybailfund.org/
Philly – https://www.phillybailout.com/donate.html
Phoenix https://secure.everyaction.com/lFZFGA1BpUa9kyYYgSxSKw2
Pittsburgh – https://www.gofundme.com/f/aftercare-for
Portland – https://www.gofundme.com/f/pdx-protest-bail-fund
Raleigh/ Chapel Hill – https://www.takeactionch.com/donations
PAYPAL = NCFreedomfund@gmail.com CashApp = NcFreedomfund
Richmond – https://rvabailfund.org/donate
Rhode Island https://www.gofundme.com/f/fangbailfund
Roanoke –https://chuffed.org/project/rjs-bail-fund
Rockford IL (and Winnebago County) https://www.wincoilbondproject.org/donate
Salt Lake City, Utah https://www.gofundme.com/f/c2mvvn-support-protesters-arrested-by-slcpd
San Diego (inc La Mesa) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-raise-funds-to-support-our-community
San Jose https://siliconvalleydsa.org/donations/ ; https://rally.org/ARCbailfund
Seattle – https://donorbox.org/ncbf
Silicon Valley/San Jose: https://siliconvalleydsa.org/donations/
Toronto – https://www.gofundme.com/f/toronto-protestor-bail-fund
Tucson https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tsccbf
Tulsa https://www.paypal.me/BLMOKC
Washington State https://www.nwcombailfund.org/
Wilmington, DE https://www.gofundme.com/f/fnbbailfundwilm
National- http://nationalbailout.org/ ; https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tsccbf ; https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory
LGBTQ individuals https://www.lgbtqfund.org/donate-1 ; https://hrcalachua.com/bail-fund-program/

City | Attorney | M/F | POC | Phone Number | 24 Hour Hotline? | Website |
Milwaukee | Hart Powell, S.C. | Firm | Not apparent | 1-414-271-9595 | 1-888-565-7597 | https://www.kohlerandhart.com/attorneys/ |
Ahmad & Associates | Firm | Appears yes | 1-414-22106478 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://aneeqahmad.com | |
Grieve Law | Firm/Woman-owned | No | 1-414-949-1789 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://www.grievelaw.com | |
GRGB Law | Firm | — | 414-271-1440 | — | https://www.grgblaw.com/criminal-defense | |
Washington DC | Amissah & Marsh | Firm | Yes | 703-655-9148 | No, but email: ajamissah@amissahmarshlaw.com | http://www.amissahmarshlaw.com |
The Flynn Law Firm | Firm | Yes | 703-310-7624 | — | https://www.flynnpllc.com | |
A. Clarke Law | Firm | Yes | 202-846-2629 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://aclarkelaw.com | |
Minneapolis | Ryan Pacyga | M | No | 612-351-1786 | Yes | https://www.arrestedmn.com |
Arneson & Geffen PLLC | Firm | — | 612-465-8581 | Yes | https://www.arnesongeffen.com | |
Zajac Law Firm | F | No | 612-789-2300 | — | https://www.zajaclawfirm.com | |
Halberg Criminal Defense | Firm | No | 612-333-3673 | Yes | https://www.halbergdefense.com/index.html | |
NYC | Lerner & Lerner, PC | Firm, Woman-owned | No | 516-741-4100 | 1-800-747-4996 | https://www.lernerandlerner.com |
Adrienne D. Edward, PC | Female | Yes | 201-420-8850 | — | https://criminallawnj.com/contact-us/ | |
Madden Law | Female owned | — | 917-318-4067 | — | https://www.maddenlawny.com | |
Kevin James | M | Yes | 646-725-9575 | — | https://www.kevinjameslaw.com | |
The Bayonne Firm | M | Yes | 929-333-6497 | No | https://thebayonnefirm.com | |
Atlanta | Sabbak & Izmaylova PC | Firm | Yes | 404-793-7773 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://www.atlantacriminaldefenseteam.com |
Scott & Turner Law Group LLC | Firm | Yes | 770-477-1210 | — | http://scottandturnerlaw.com | |
Burris Law Firm | Firm, woman-owned | Yes | 404-987-0111 | No | http://georgiaeviction.com | |
Delisa Williams, PC | Female | Yes | 404-903-1037 | No | http://www.delisawilliamspc.com | |
Lawrence Zimmerman | Male | No | 404-351-3000 | No but has offered pro bono services to protestors | https://www.atlantanotguilty.com | |
Houston | EDWARD OKWUEZE & ASSOCIATES | Male | Yes | 832-798-9850 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://www.edwardlawgroup.com |
Lisa Shapiro Strauss | Female | No | 713-429-7310 | No | https://www.lisastrausslaw.com | |
Law Offices of Annie Scott | Female | Yes | 281-717-6565 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://anniescott.net | |
Eric Sundlin | Male | No | — | Not sure | https://twitter.com/ericwsundin | |
Chicago | The Law Office of Sean Brown | Male | Yes | 312-675-6116 | No | https://www.attorneyseanbrown.com |
Law Offices of Ramon A. Moore | Male | Yes | 312-332-5134 | No | http://www.ramonmoorelaw.com | |
Gardi & Haught | Male | Yes | 847-944-9400 | No | https://www.gardilaw.com | |
Jorie K. Johnson | Female | No | 847-922-8683 | No | https://www.illinoisexpungementlawyerblog.com | |
Derrick Morgan Jr | Male | — | 1-317-721-9214 | Maybe? Cell: 1-812-320-3367 | https://sllawfirm.com/our-firm/ | |
San Jose | Edward N. Ajlouny | Male | — | 408-297-6425 | No | http://www.edwardajlouny.com |
Adrienne Dell | Female | No | 408-280-6600 | No | https://delldefense.com | |
Ginny Walia Law Offices | Female | — | 408-724-9200 | Maybe? 1-800-379-9330 | https://www.walialawfirm.com | |
Detroit | Farris F. Haddad | Male | Yes | 1-888-818-1646 | Maybe? 1 (888) 818-1646 | https://www.callfarris.com |
Law Offices of Dana B. Carron, PC | Male | No | 1-877-467-1415 | Text! 313-312-4621 | https://michiganappealslaw.wixsite.com/office | |
Prasad Legal, PLLC | Female | Yes | 248-733-5006 | No | https://www.prasadlegal.com | |
The Khujalaw Firm | Male | — | 313-263-3353 | — | https://www.khujalaw.com | |
Albuquerque | Gorence & Oliveros, PC | Firm | — | 1 505 244 0214 | No | http://golaw.us |
New Mexico Legal Group | Firm | — | (505) 843-7303 | No | https://www.newmexicolegalgroup.com/dwi-defense | |
Lisa Torraco | Female | — | 505-244-0530 | Yes 505-750-7665 | http://lisatorracolaw.com | |
Boston | Dhar Law, LLP | Male | Yes | 617-829-9747 | Yes, same # | https://www.dharlawllp.com |
Rachel M. Self, PC | Female | No | 617-742-0191 | No | https://attorneyself.com | |
Law Office of Catherine Becker Good | Female | No | 781-347-5566 | — | https://www.cbgoodlaw.com | |
Fort Wayne | Thomas Essex Attorney at Law | Male | No | 260-424-1756 | No | https://www.thomasessexlaw.com |
Arnole Terrill, PC | Male | No | 260-420-7777 | Yes; 1-888-912-7220 and also 24/7 chat | https://www.fortwaynedefense.com | |
Watkins Law Firm | Male | No | 260-755-5008 | — | https://watkinslawfirmfw.com | |
Kansas City | The Law Offices of Jamiel J. Peterson | Male | Yes | 816-319-0508 | Yes: 1-888-588-5717; you can also text this # | https://www.petersonlawusa.com |
Neighbors Law Office | Male | No | 913-648-3360 | — | https://www.overlandparkduifirm.com | |
The Law Office of Denise Kirby | Female | No | 816-307-2781 | No | http://www.denisekirbylaw.com | |
Denver | Robinson Kardon | Firm | — | 310-995-9332 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | http://robinsonkardon.com |
The Law Office of Jessica Enggasser Johnson LLC | Female | No | 720-588-3385 | No | https://lawofficeofjessicaenggasserjohnson.com | |
Muhaisen & Muhaisen LLC | Male | Yes | 303-407-0456 | No | https://www.m2lawyers.com | |
Las Vegas | Romeo R. Perez Attorney At Law | Male | Yes | 702-214-7244 | No | https://www.romeoperezlaw.com |
Garrett T. Ogata | Male | Yes | 702-366-0891 | No | https://www.gtogata.com | |
Bonanza Legal Group | Firm | — | 702-405-1576 | No | https://bonanzalegal.com | |
Oakland | The Nieves Law Firm | Female | Yes | 510-255-6415 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://thenieveslawfirm.com |
The Law Offices of Mario Andrews | Male | Yes | 510-686-1142 | No | http://www.andrewslawoffices.net | |
Law Offices of Randy Sue Pollock | Female | No | 510-763-9967 | No | https://www.rspollocklaw.com | |
Louisville | Ashley Michael | Female | No | 502-690-7333 | No, but cell phone provided: 502-821-9379 | http://ashleymichaellaw.com |
Ganote Law | Firm | — | 513-510-3766 | No | https://www.ganotelaw.com | |
Derrick Morgan Jr | Male | — | 1-317-721-9214 | Maybe? Cell: 1-812-320-3367 | https://sllawfirm.com/our-firm/ | |
Los Angeles | The Law Offices of J. Patrick Carey | Firm/Male | No | 310-526-2237 | No, but direct email to attorney: pat@patcareylaw.com | https://southbaydefenselawyer.com/home/?utm_source=avvo&utm_medium=referral |
Law Officeo of Philip D. Hache | Male | No | 818-336-1384 | Maybe? | http://philhachelaw.com | |
Fontana, CA | Bullard & Powell Attorneys at Law | Firm | No | 909-771-2304 | No | http://www.bullardpowell.com |
Wallin & Klarich | Firm | No | 714-587-4068 | No | https://www.wklaw.com | |
Shouse Law Group | Firm | No | 1-855-396-0370 | Maybe | https://www.shouselaw.com | |
Charlotte | Marc T. Joyner | Male | Yes | 1-704-312-2239 | No | http://www.mjoynerlaw.com |
Johnson & Nicholson | Firm | Yes | 1-704-325-8057 | No | https://www.johnnichlaw.com | |
Littlejon Law PLLC | Firm | Yes | 1-704-322-4581 | No | https://www.littlejohn-law.com | |
Indianapolis | Cane Legal LLC | Firm | Yes | 1-317-653-1155 | No | https://www.canelegalindy.com |
Zaki Ali | Firm | Yes | 1-765-697-9002 | No | https://www.zakiali.com | |
The Law Office of Mark Nicholson | Firm | Yes | 317-667-0718 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://www.marknicholsonlaw.com | |
Derrick Morgan Jr | Male | — | 1-317-721-9214 | Maybe? Cell: 1-812-320-3367 | https://sllawfirm.com/our-firm/ | |
Norfolk | Sonya A. Weaver | Female | Yes | 757-393-0237 | No | n/a |
Kurt A. Gilchrist | Male | No | 757-606-2675 | No | http://kurt.hoperoad.biz | |
Grass Valley, CA | Chad G. Dorsk | Male | No | 1-757-423-0271 | No | https://www.dorsklaw.com |
Memphis | Koenig Law | Male | No | 1-530-582-7072 | No | https://www.truckeetahoelawyer.com |
Hewlett Law Firm | Female owned | Yes | 901-590-3250 | http://hewlettfights4u.com | ||
The Wharton Law Firm | Male | Yes | 901 726 6884 | No | http://www.thewhartonlawfirm.com | |
Ann Arbor | Joseph A. Simon | Male | No | 734-887-6200 | No | https://simoncriminaldefense.com |
James M. Gallagher | Male | No | 734-994-9590 | No | https://lawinannarbor.com | |
Collis & Griffor | Firm | — | 734-388-4655 | No | https://www.collisandgriffor.com | |
Phoenix | The Molina Law Group | Firm | — | 602-718-1249 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://molinalawgroup.com |
Belen Law Firm | Firm, woman-owned | No | 602-715-0908 | None, but 24/7 chat feature | https://www.belenlawfirm.com | |
Alongi Law Firm PLLC | Firm | — | 480-751-1610 | No | https://www.alongi-azlaw.com | |
St. Louis, MO | Walker Law | Firm | — | 636-206-7970 | No | https://walkerlawstl.com |
The Law Office of Jill Schafer | Firm, woman-owned | — | 314-862-7277 | no | https://www.jillschaeferlaw.com | |
Bradlet S. Dede LLC | Male | no | 314-725-9700 | No | https://www.jillschaeferlaw.com | |
Cincinnati | OTR Lawyers | Firm | no | 513-457-5545 | No; but pro-protestor splash page | http://www.otrlawyers.com |
Stephanie Lape Wolfinbarger | Female | No | 513-621-8710 | No | http://lapelawoffice.com | |
Ganote Law | Firm | ?? | 513-510-3766 | No | https://www.ganotelaw.com | |
Colombus, OH | Ohio National Lawyers Guild | 614-654-6477 | No | |||
Priya D. Tamilarasan, Esq LLC | Female | Yes | 614-21909846 | No | http://priyalaw.com | |
Brandon E. Shroy | Male | No | 614-601-1456 | No | https://www.shroylaw.com | |
Rochester, NY | Briones Law Office | Male | No | 210-761-6884 | No, but offering pro bono services for those arrested at protests | https://www.rbrioneslaw.com |
Tulsa, OK | Jason Spanich, PC | — | — | 405-236-0115 | No, but offering pro bono services for those arrested at protests | https://jasonspanich.com |
For a comprehensive guide to understanding racism, how to properly teach about racism, a list of books about racism and gaining a history lesson about racism, click here.