As the country unites to stand for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the nation’s capital is literally “taking it to the streets.” A section of 16th Street in front of the White House between H and K streets is now dedicated to a global outcry for racial equality and justice, that catalyzed following the murder of George Floyd.
The D.C. Department of Public Works, painted the “Black Lives Matter” mural on the ground, in large yellow letters, following orders from DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser. A green street sign was also attached, officially naming the area “Black Lives Matter Plaza.” This area is the same location where the military used pepper spray and munitions on peaceful protestors in order to clear the way for the arrival of Donald Trump. The location he arrived to, to capture a photo —an iconic yellow and white building— was later damaged by fire in a protest.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser shares, “We want to call attention today to making sure our nation is more fair and more just and that Black lives and that Black humanity matter in our nation.”