
Southern University Grad Andrea Brew Writes Book, ‘Twas the Night Before Bayou Classic

SHORT BOOK DESCRIPTION: It is the eve of the Bayou Classic, and a family of Southern University fans are filled with anticipation and blue-and-gold spirit. Find out what happens when...

Southern Student Remi Hill Fights Battles With Creativity And A Canvas

Remi Hill doesn’t remember the exact age she began drawing, but her mother told her she has been quite artistic since age 3. As she...

What Happens When The Spelman Woman Is A Spel-Man?

Spelman College is a historically black college for women located in Atlanta. At least, that's what the college's website says. But the black college is not...

HBCU Top 30 Under 30 2016

Since their inception in the early 1800s, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have produced some of the finest and most celebrated African-American men...

FAMU Graduate To Address Differences In Approach To Activism In New Short Film

Filmmaker Shayla Racquel has decided to spotlight a recently re-surfaced debate that has some African-American families at odds. Is there a right or wrong...

What Would Happen If There Were No More HBCU Homecomings?

What would happen if there were no more historically black college or university (HBCU) homecomings. What if there were no more cool and exciting wordplay...

Protest For Progress In Memphis

Greater Imani Church in Memphis, TN reached full capacity on Monday as citizens from all around Shelby County came to meet with city leaders to...

Top 5 HBCU Bands 2015

For years, attending sporting events has been a tradition in the historically black college and university community.  These events mark new milestones for collegiate...