
Why Everyone is Fired Up With Quinnite Nation

This story is a part of the series “Presidents Corner” about the unique experiences, vision and leadership styles of each president at our nation’s...

5 Reasons Why “I Love Howard” is a Fundraising Game Changer for HBCUs

We launched the I Love Howard Campaign, a grassroots fundraising effort led by a small group of Howard University alumni, in February of this...

HBCU Graduates Coming Face-to-face with the Job Market

We all know how much society stresses the importance of higher education.

Bean Pies and Bow Ties by April C. Thornton

Bean Pies and Bow Ties April C. Thornton Are individual’s perception of other religions triggered by historical events, media outlets or actually observing people from different...

The HBCU Experience #inmyOwnWords by Dominique McDonald Howard University

Initially, we sough to pen an article on why Howard University student (at the time this article was written) Dominique McDonald chose her major...

Feature Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton of Coppin State University

Feature Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton of Coppin State University “A graduate of Howard University with a Ph.D. in United States History with concentrations in African...

Long Live the King Part III—The Promised Land

In the past two weeks, I have been writing about the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. in anticipation of the unveiling of the...

What to do about Amber Cole

Earlier this week, a 14-year-old African-American girl by the name of Amber Cole was recorded performing oral sex for her boyfriend outside of their...

The Gloucester Institute: HBCUs Leading the Way

HBCU’s Lead Too!             Students from several HBCUs received the chance of a lifetime this past weekend in Gloucester County, Virginia. I am blessed to...

Herman Cain’s Campaign is Falling Apart

  One week can change everything in an election. For Herman Cain, it's more like half a week. Herman Cain has been accused of sexually harassing...

Do Social Networks Construct Fake Personalities?

Are you one of those people who make it a point to tweet more than 100 times a day? Do you know anyone who...

Why We Still Need to Promote HBCU Exceptionalism

Twitter is a fascinating, spontaneous, stream of consciousness social media outlet for users to tweet their thoughts and opinions on the Web for millions...

The Budget Baller (How to Dress Cool in College…Efficiently)

There are only three things guaranteed in life: death, taxes, and being broke in college. It’s almost a rite of passage; “How to Survive...

Ambitious Girl: Is There Now a Positive Movement in Hip Hop?

"Go girl, go girl, go girl! Ambition!" This eight letter word has been transformed over the past year by Maybach Music Group artist Wale....

Before You Become Greek, Ask Yourself: Who Am I?

Quality begins on the inside... and then works its way out.  ~Bob Moawad Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs) were created for a purpose. The push...

Why Obama’s push on student loans is critical for black college students

Lisa Haynes, 23, listens as President Barack Obama delivers the Commencement address at Hampton University May 9, 2010, in Hampton, VA. Haynes is graduating with a...

Empire Star, Jussie Smollett Talks Diversity on MTV News

In a recent interview with MTV news, Empire’s Jussie Smollett gave his perspective on diversity in television. Smollett admits that he feels TV is a medium for...

‘Describe Jackson State In One Word’

“Unique," says Jackson State student MuNesha, a senior health care administration major, on the university's official Facebook page. "Some people think of Jackson as dangerous, but...